CSS Layout Generator

For those just learning CSS, here is a fantastic tool to help you generate page layouts: CSS Portal. The result is rather generic but it provides a great basis to build on.

They offer more than just CSS for page layouts. On the same site, they offer tools to generate your buttons and your menus. Fantastic!

I didn’t spend much time with the button generator, but between the layout generator and the menu generator you could very quickly come up with the shell of a website.

As with any tool, I’m sure it has it’s quirks, but what a great way to get a quick jumpstart on a website.

There are other layout generator options also available. Check out the section titled “CSS Layout Tools” in this article: 50 Useful CSS Tools and Generators for Developers.

They have a list of eight layout generators, but I found CSS Portal to be the most user-friendly. Be sure to check it out!

What’s your experience with CSS Layout Generators?

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