WordPress Plugin for a Photo Gallery

WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin

I recently needed to add a Photo Gallery on three different websites and a Video Gallery on two of those three websites. After experimenting with several different options, I’ve come up with my favorite PhotoGallery plugin and my favorite Video Gallery plugin. In this post we’ll look at the Photo Gallery option.

Photo Gallery Plugin: NextGEN Gallery

WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin Upload Images

This plugin is easy to implement.


You can have multiple galleries. Upload your images into the desired galleries. You can upload an entire folder, if you’d like.


You can also have multiple albums. An album consist of one or more galleries. An album adds another layer of organization, if needed.


WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin User RolesYou can set up roles for different users. If a client only needs to be able to upload images, you can set up that specific user to have only those capabilities.



WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin NextGEN Gallery

To show the gallery on the page, add shortcode to the page or the post. You can display the images as a gallery (thumbnails) or as a slideshow.

WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin NextGEN slideshow


And, your viewers can choose to see the gallery as a ‘picture list’ or as a slideshow.

Find out more about this plugin at WordPress Pluginn Directory.

Have you used NextGEN? What’s been your experience? Or, what other plugins have you used for images?

View WordPress How To Videos.

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