Free Beginner WordPress Tutorial Sites

Six Beginner WordPress Tutorial Sites

I’m updating this post to add one of my new favorite sites: First Site Guide.

Free Beginner WordPress Tutorial Sites

There are a number of websites devoted to WordPress tips and tutorial. Below are some that I have found most helpful. They cover just the basics to more than you might ever want to know. And, they are free.

Newest addition:

first site guide

This is one of my new favorite sites that I just came across recently. They are an educational website aimed at people who are looking to learn more about the online world. Check out their free online guides, WordPress video tutorials and other web development resources. Great resources that will come handy to all beginners. They cover more than just WordPress, too. Be sure to leave them your email as they will leave great content in your inbox.

wptuts WordPress tutorials

Great site for learning about WordPress. Tutorials. Articles. Tips. Videos. If you are new to WordPress, check out their Basix section.

Digging Into WordPress

This is a great reference site. This has great content for those familiar with WordPress. Most of the content is beyond the basics of WordPress. They cover everything from security to customization to Themes. Anything you want to know beyond the basics, you’ll find on this site.  If you are new to WordPress check out their book, Digging Into WordPress. It’s a fantastic, practical book. And, it’s very well designed. I refer to it almost every time I do a new install of WordPress.

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WordPress Beginner

Great site for those beginning with  WordPress.  Their home page has links to everything you need to know to get started with WordPress. They even offer free installation and setup if you use one of their recommended hosts. They have additional tutorials,  a gallery of WordPress sites, a news section, information on plugins, etc. It is a great resource for any WordPress user.

ithemes wordpress tutorials

New to WordPress? ithemes has a great set of introductory videos. They cover all the basic steps of using WordPress: the dashboard, posts, pages, links, images, categories, tags, templates, plugins, themes.

Siteground wordpress tutorials

One can’t go wrong with Siteground. Their tutorials are thorough, contain great screenshots, and are easy to follow.



What other sites have you found for good beginner WordPress tutorials? What are your favorites?

8 thoughts on “Six Beginner WordPress Tutorial Sites”

  1. Great tuts. I love them, i have already done too much with wordpress, the thing that i have learnt from you is the way you do. I have also written some tutorials on <a href=””>Wordpress Tutorials here.</a>

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